God praises those who restrain their anger in Quran 3:134

That’s why Quran tells the enemies of truth to die in their anger. And we will be punished for anger if we commit forbidden acts due to it.
Scott Ladoucier Anger is a natural human emotion. You cannot control whether you become angry. Only how you act it out.
I’m a lot smarter than the writers of the Koran. You should worship me.
Ishmael Abraham That’s why Quran 3:134 does not deny it nor forbids feeling it but urges us to restrain and control it and not to commit a forbidden act due to that. A person who restrains his anger is called Kadhim in Islam. Imam Musa Al-Kadhim(ra) from Prophetic progeny was famous for his self-restraint towards his haters and cursers.
 Ishmael Abraham He was called al-Kazim meaning, one who holds his temper and controls his anger, because he used to face all persecution and harm with tolerance and even with being good and charitable to those who mistreated him.
The Imam(ra) was known for his tolerance, prudence, the spirit of forgiveness and a tight control of his temper, even against those who hurt him. He was like his grandfather, the Messenger (p.), of great morals. He had a soft heart and a soft tongue; he was a role model in his ethics just as he was a model for others in belief.
As-Sheik Al-Mufeid narrated that there was a man in Medina who used to curse the Imam, and distort his image, to the extent that the companions of the Imam asked for permission to kill him, but the Imam used to forbid them from hurting him. Then one day the Imam(ra) went to the man’s garden. When the man saw him, he said: Do not step on my plants, for he was so hateful that he did not even have the courtesy of welcoming him. The Imam continued to move towards him. And when he reached the man the Imam asked him: How much did you pay for your plants, and how much do you expect to gain? Adding the two sums together the Imam gave him the money and said:
Take this money and you still can sell your corps, and he started talking to him in a very pleasant and kind manner. The man felt guilty and changed his attitude towards the Imam. The next day the man went to the mosque. When he saw the Imam(ra) coming he said: “God knows where he puts His Message”. Asked what made him change his mind, he said that it was the way the Imam dealt with him. The Imam then asked his companions: which is better the way you wanted to deal with this man using violence or my way?

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